Saturday, April 20, 2013

Farmers Market

I picked up some goodies at the Farmers Market this morning. Home made dog treats for Bella, local honey,  a couple of cookies, hand made dish towel, solid hand cream, and home made cheese and pepperoni loaf.

And a Devils Trumpet. I have so much to do in the yard and I have no idea where I will plant this but I just had to have it!

Neat little cook book........I did not buy one because I have so many.

Cute handmade bags.

Elaine had lots of yummy goodness

Booth where I bought Bellas treats

She had them set up so cute

I bought the solid hand cream from this booth

She had some pretty neat little home made soaps

More goodness



Random Bella pic..........because she is too cute

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My Delft Collection

This is a pretty craptastic pic but I have a small (and no not all are real) collection. Some (like the cow and the bottle) were my Grandmothers

Want Vs Need

Do I need to elaborate?


Monday, April 8, 2013

Happy Birthday Hubby

Hubby's birthday was march 30th so we strolled downtown Greenville. Here are some pics.


My Grandmother passed in January. I wanted to share a few treasures I was blessed with. I'm blogging from my phone so this will take a few posts.

A chalk portrait of my mother from 1969

Grandmothers Pyrex

Grandmothers Bean Pot