Monday, August 12, 2013


Bella is our Boxer and youngest child. She is such a sweet spirit and love bug. She never meets a stranger and is so gentile with our mean orange kitty Pumpkin. She brings so much joy to our little family! 

One of her favorite humans....her big sister. 

Getting "Bella Tots" 

Cuddles with her feline siblings.....sometimes. 

She just wants to taste a little!

I love this picture of her and Loki. 

Iz too early for pictures mommy

Mean Pumpkin will not let her pass! He swats her every chance he gets! 

And he stalks her. 

Hope you enjoyed! 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

I Love Tea

I really love tea. And I love tea cups. It's the simple things in life that are the most enjoyable sometimes. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ugly Bluberry Vanilla Pancakes

Here is the recipe I used

I added brown sugar instead of regular and of coarse blueberries. They were yummy but ugly!

I also fried up some chicken/pork sausage 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Happy Lammas_Lughnasadh!

I am too tired to bake so I went out on my first harvest of organic blueberries in my back yard. With all the rain this is the best harvest ever! 

Thank you!

I wanted to say thank you to Deb at 

I won chocolate!!!!!!!

It melted just a little but it was still delicious! 

I still have no computer so I guess I'll have to keep posting from my phone. 

Happy Lughnasadh everyone!