Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Slow Progress

For the last year I have been working pretty hard on getting healthy and changing my body composition. I have had my ups and downs. The last few weeks have been a down so it's time to refocus, regroup, and push on. 

This is from December of last year

And this is from September of this year

I do have to admit I see a slight change and I also have to remember that when you are 40 it takes a little more time and effort to achieve your goals.

Now that I have wollowed in self pitty and copious amounts of food for two weeks it's time to get back on track! 


  1. I think you are making progress ! I have been trying and was doing well ,have to admit I have my fall off the wagon moments funny I should be reading this post right now because I honestly just ate a whole container of Cool Whip with a spoon and coffee ~ yes really, it just tasted so light . lol Oh well back on the new improved eating habits tomorrow !

    1. and that's what its all about......getting right back on the wagon! GOOD FOR YOU!

  2. You do look firmer and more toned in the second photos. Good for you! Plus I'm sure there's many unseen health benefits too.

    1. Thank you so much Deb. I do feel better when I eat healthy and exercise.

  3. Yay kindred ..rock on..shine look fantastic! yes, I am in my 40's now too..and staying active is always wonderful! /Love your tattoo too!!
    Wishing you all the best!

  4. I'm the same way except the exact opposite. Really thin, trying to gain weight.
